April 2017

I know its so cliche but I look forward to wearing my florals for spring.  Isn't it kind of fun finding the right floral print for the season?  It's like a treasure hunt.  First you have to look for the

Gimme all the neckerchief's!!  I've always loved beautiful vintage scarves.  My girlfriend, Alba Nela, who is an amazing stylist introduced them to me when we visited some consignment shops years ago and I've been obsessed since.  She uses her scarves

I always love a good statement accessory.  In the past its always been statement jewelry or even a statement bag.  But lately, I've been obsessed with statement sunglasses.  They are super fun and make you look fab even when you're

We just came back from an amazing trip to the west coast to visit my sister. She lives in the central coast in California right in the middle between San Francisco and Los Angeles.  It is so gorgeous by her

Ok my friends - I am taking the plunge.  It's April, its a new month, and its time to move on.  I've officially changed my Instagram name to @parisandalatte.  I chose this name years ago for my blog.  I wanted something